![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:57 • Filed to: Two Wheels Bad | ![]() | ![]() |
Update of the update: I’ve been saved by an angel that shall not be named unless they choose to be! :) <3 Agh, I need to hug them so much!!! My Buell will Blast off again! ...ahem...legally, of course.
I’ve also built a solid case against the impoundment, so I may get the money back from the town, too. Hopefully I do, then I could chalk this up to a learning experience without too much hardship.
I told y’all this motorcycle business would go from 0-100 real quick!
Now my biggest concern is how the tow company handled my bike. Hopefully nobody rode it...not like they could, it only had like 20 miles of fuel remaining.
Original post:
So, I figured out my finances and concluded that this couldn’t have come at a worse time. Like, any other weekend and the bike would be home by now. This means I now have three options:
1. Get a payday loan/title loan.
2. See if a friend has $600 to loan me.
3. Let it be turned over to police and be crushed/auctioned off.
Here is the original post, in case you missed it:
I would rather have option 3 happen before option 1. I hate I hate payday loans and the interest they’re allowed to have in IL should be criminal. At any rate, those crooks require checks and that’s something I don’t ever have. And there’s already a title loan out in my name, anyway (parents got a title loan on their car that is in my name).
I checked all laws local to the town I was stopped in and the impound was practically unavoidable. In any other town, I would have been told to get my license amended and ride safe, or told to get someone to pick up the bike. The town I got stopped in reserves the right to impound you for basically any infraction they feel like.
I also really don’t like being searched every freaking time I am stopped by police. I don’t understand why not having the proper classification is grounds to having my purse and person searched while I sit in a tiny mobile jail cell. This is a thing that’s only started happening after I started transition. Am I *really* that much of a threat?
Meanwhile, I decided to look on Craigslist to see what the prospects are in replacing the bike and I found out that it is quite the unicorn for the price I paid. If this is a lesson I have to learn the hard way, I’ll try to take it in stride and do better next time.
Somehow, still having the scooter is making me even more sad.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 20:37 |
Would your parents lend you the money?
![]() 05/28/2018 at 20:39 |
Sadly they cannot. Whereas my problem is a lack in emergency money, they have even less than that.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 20:50 |
It escapes me how this is legal, specially in the US; the country where everyone commutes to work via car/bike.
If you were earning minimum wage, that impounded bike would take, at least 54 hours of work to pay off! Here in Mexico it’s 1200 pesos (60USD) plus the tow fee, which tends to be 900. It’s still substantial considering that 2100MXN is around a month’s worth of minimum salary (thankfully very few people earn it here)
IMHO if it’s a unicorn and worth saving, I’d try option 2. Otherwise don’t let this make a wreck of your finances! Count your blessings my friend, at least you’re not stranded without another vehicle to go to work.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 20:50 |
Have you considered waiting for it to go to auction then buying your own bike again at auction?
Shitty that it happened. It seems any way you go at it, you’re out $600. I assume this was a Blaster?
![]() 05/28/2018 at 20:51 |
“parents got a title loan on their car that is in my name”
![]() 05/28/2018 at 20:57 |
Oppo go fund me?
![]() 05/28/2018 at 21:06 |
Ugh that sucks. Impound lots are a racket, I would never wish that on someone unless I knew they were a dick (which happened once).
![]() 05/28/2018 at 21:20 |
Their GMC Envoy XL lol. My mum got a title loan on it a couple years ago. I had to “co-sign” the loan since she didn’t officially have an income. When she paid it off, the title she got back had my name on it and hers was erased away. So now I own the vehicle! And yes, there’s another title loan on it right now.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 21:29 |
Don’t be surprised. Much of the US, especially flyover land, is corrupt to Trumpian proportions.
It isn’t just legal, I’ll wager a lot the impound lot owner is connected or related to current or past officials in the city/county.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 21:35 |
How’s your credit? I was insta-approved for a $1000 line of credit with Paypal Credit with a mid-600s credit score. 6 months 0%. Allowed me to comfortably afford a new engine for my motorcycle. Might find a way to pay with paypal or pay someone with paypal and them give you cash or SOME WAY to make that work. Honestly I’d loan you the money if I had it. I feel like you should have known the state law before riding home but at the same time I had no idea that any state did that either so it’s whatever. The cop sounded cool in your original post “we sat and talked bikes” so it seems odd that he’d throw the book at you in this fashion and impound it instead of letting a buddy pick it up for you or literally anything else. Honestly the second I heard the words “impound” I would have called a friend with a truck or m endorsement and had them race over, take the bike and run off with it before the impound truck could get there, lol.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 21:45 |
Well, it seems like the kind of business that shouldn’t be part of the profit motive. The sort of business that should be managed by a more benign, accountable government than a private entity
![]() 05/28/2018 at 21:50 |
What’s the line, shoulda coulda woulda?
Many Murkans, suffering from the delusions of temporarily embarrassed millionaire syndrome, who dream that they built it all themselves, love the privatization of anything and everything. So many dipshits, otherwise on the cusp of illiteracy, appear to have read Ayn Rand on multiple occasions.
It’s not just the lack of accountability (in laws and enforcement along with the penalties), but the very real chance there’s a dose of nepotism or cronyism involved with this mess.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 21:58 |
Could you sell one of your several spare computer systems / some spare parts and get some extra cash enough that you COULD afford it?
![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:04 |
I draw the line of state owned enterprise here:
If a product/service is
needed in an
fashion and offers a perceived societal good, it could potentially (in my opinion preferably) be state owned.
Yeah, don’t worry about the latter, some are saying we should do away with our social security because it’s expensive.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:12 |
Many mouth-breathers here would call that “communism” or “socialism” or something else used as a pejorative (yet if you asked them to define the terms, they couldn’t do so even if their lives depended on it).
So far, social security has been untouchable here, but I could see the free-marketeers going after it, they’ve already tried more than once to make it into a 401K type system. Of course, public sector types will still get their bloated pensions.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:15 |
Also, if said product or service is specially expensive or in a specialized sector.
The way I described it it isn´t communism; it’s more like government doing the shit that the for profit market either has no interest in doing or no business in doing... its a limited scope. As the government is the biggest buyer and seller of goods in a capitalist system I don’t see how it’s perverted.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:17 |
I know it isn’t communism, but explain that to a Fox & Friends devotee with a subpar education and a chip on their shoulder the size of the Rock of Gibraltar.
The for-profit market has failings, the American healthcare system is the loudest example.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:26 |
I mean this isn’t a great option, but any chance on a cash advance from a credit card? Assuming you can pay it back off easily enough.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:27 |
1. Not sure it’s worth taking out a loan for this.
2. Not the best reason to hit up a friend for money, unless you can pay them back, like, immediately. Even then, tough sell.
3. This might be one of those “fuck it” cases.
Have you considered selling something to pick up some cash, like one of the smarts? If you don’t want to part with a smart, and you don’t want to pay for the impound, I say let the bike go.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:30 |
In the Midwest (where Illinois is) any government oversight is considered socialism and any socialism is communism. So yeah, while what you’re saying makes sense, it ain’t gonna happen.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:40 |
It’s surreal but it happens. I was once in cuffs and the cops were talking with me like we were all at a bar chewing the fat. They were complimentary and informal. But the cuffs stayed on, and book-throwing occured.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 22:46 |
It seems like having a title loan on a vehicle in your name that isn’t actually yours is a recipe for disaster and bad credit; maybe try and fix the title? If that car gets REPO’d, it could come back to bite you.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:01 |
I mean it won’t get you anywhere, but after the judge rules in your favor I would grumble about state law and unlawful searches and seizures to him. Grumbling makes me feel better.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:04 |
I love a happy ending!
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:08 |
That’s true! Thankfully the chances of her not paying are slim since my brother needs it for work since his CR-V died.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:13 |
If nothing was forthcoming I was going to offer to steal it back from the impound lot for the low price of whatever it takes to drive there and back from southern Ohio
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:21 |
I’m definitely selling some equipment anyway, I do want to get my collecting tendencies under tighter wraps. The graphics cards should net me some okay money. :)
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:26 |
The worst part is that the word “impound” never came up until the tow truck guy was trying to figure out how to engage first gear.
The officer said “we’re going to hold it for 24 hours”. Pay us $175 and you get it back.
Then all of a sudden, that became “we’re going to have to impound it now, sorry I didn’t read the ordinance correctly.”
Oh...well alright.
Also, the back seat of those Explorer police cars is tiny as heck. You would think that a police SUV would have more interior space than a Crown Vic, but apparently not.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:38 |
Life is full of choices.
Some are bad. You have to try and learn something from all of them.
Some life lessons are more important than others. I have made some multi-thousand dollar bad choices.
I’d suggest to get your bike out. Get it legal and learn from this.
Also avoid that municipality if possible.
[dad hat]I believe all of Oppo wants good things for you, and all members. Just don’t make simple mistakes.[/dad hat]
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:45 |
Ah jeeze! And I just spent the weekend riding an unregistered uninsured scooter around Indianapolis.
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:46 |
Glad it got resolved. Is the angel an Oppo angel? Or is that a forbidden question. :)
![]() 05/28/2018 at 23:50 |
You may need to tell me this story when we’re comparing notes...
![]() 05/29/2018 at 00:01 |
You think rinky-dink municipal impound is bad, just look up civil forfeiture.
![]() 05/29/2018 at 00:06 |
I wonder what would have happened if I were riding a scooter with a Vermont plate? *Shudder*
![]() 05/29/2018 at 00:06 |
He sure is! :)
![]() 05/29/2018 at 00:07 |
Lehto’s Law...oh crap. Here we go! *Click*
![]() 05/29/2018 at 00:37 |
Good luck - bikes either attract positive or negative attention from the cops, nothing in-between.
I’ve ridden for a long time and they’ll either wave at you on a nice day and let you go about your business (as long as you’re not being an idiot) or they’ll follow you and pull you over for going a couple over the speed limit.
PS - I live in the St Louis area and it freaks me out any time I go into IL and see riders without a helmet! If you’re anywhere near STL I’d be happy to meet up and show you some fantastic riding roads just south of here.
![]() 05/29/2018 at 01:55 |
Next time they ask you if they can search you, politely decline. You have the right to do that, unless they have probable cause to think you are commiting a crime.
![]() 05/29/2018 at 05:24 |
Yay! Crisis averted! :)
![]() 05/29/2018 at 05:33 |
Impound don’t offer monthly payments?
I personally would auction it, the bike sounds like a headache tbh.
![]() 05/29/2018 at 08:47 |
Yeah, good question.
![]() 05/29/2018 at 17:06 |
It’s true, video cards can be pretty damn costly, even use - you should be able to get some decent money back out of them! :)